Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!

Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!
Not your usual wedding picture...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Diary of a (Semi) Successful Dieter

Oh my - so I talked to a pharmacist the other day about - you guessed it - diet pills! She said, very confidently, that SHE personally would not recommend or ingest any of the typical pills that are sold at Rite Aid, Target, or CVS, etc.
The only pill approved by the FDA for weight-loss is
Alli. So, for all of those doubters or folks that are afraid of bad experiences with Alli... putting unknown, unapproved substances in your body just seems way worse, doesn't it?

What's sad - we ALL know how to lose weight. This is NOT rocket science. Just expend more calories than you consume and wah-lah! The weight will melt off of you. Conversely, if you indulge in pizza with extra cheese, desserts containing refined sugar (bad!), and high-calorie pasta dishes, you will GAIN weight. It is a fact. Again - not rocket science.

Drink water, avoid sugar and salt, limit your dairy, and choose vegetables or a salad instead of a potato on the side. How simple. Run if you want to, or walk if you don't like to run. Just get off your butt for more than 30 minutes only three times a week, and you will see a difference in less than one month. Add fiber to your diet and you will really speed things up. Stick to chicken and fish as a main dish and you are going to wake up one day and REALLY like what the scale says. That is your reward. Not chocolate. Slimmer thighs. A flat stomach. A body that is becoming toned.

Picture a thinner you the next time you reach for that doughnut -- the skinny you is inside screaming "let me out;" and grab some water and a bran muffin instead. Taste isn't everything. It's nice. It is. But the compliments you will start to receive will me much, much more rewarding.

Lastly -- I'm not a rocket scientist or brain surgeon, I just know how to lose weight with little effort which bring huge results. Try it. What have you got to lose? EXCEPT UNWANTED POUNDS!!!

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