Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!

Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!
Not your usual wedding picture...

Friday, January 21, 2011

APPRECIATE YOUR MAN... or learn to appreciate YOURSELF!

I'll keep this short because by now (this is my second blog),  I've read all the rules on blogging. Shorter is definitely sweeter. All I want to say before I go to bed and snuggle up with my sweetie is this --- APPRECIATE YOUR MAN! Or, I invite you to go peruse the thousands of self-help books aimed to help women meet the "man of their dreams." Good luck there snookums - because men, just like women - are not perfect. So stop looking for the perfect man, and start looking for the perfect YOU! Men are instantly attracted to confident, positive women. I know the economy is in the crapper, but that is affecting everyone. If you have a decent husband or boyfriend, go that extra step to show him that you care. And if you don't, invite a friend out for a fun, engaging dinner - and split the check. Oh my. What a concept! Show someone tomorrow, and everyday, that you can think outside of yourself and your little perfect word. Because if he leaves you for someone who notices when he goes the extra mile (roses for no reason, washing your car, just because) your world, as you know it, will come crumbling down faster than you can scream "but what happened?" Give him that back rub. Make his favorite dinner. Unless he is a complete selfish loser (whom you shouldn't be with anyway!), he'll notice, and he'll love for you it.

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