Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!

Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!
Not your usual wedding picture...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Oh my! She has grown!!!

Well, it isn't really that dramatic! (Yet, I still feel the need to use an exclamation point...) Alivia Marie Ernest went to her THIRD Gymboree Class today and it was quite interesting - she doesn't like to - wait - she refuses to  - participate in the "circle time." She slides, crawls through tunnels, plays with toys, and makes her own fun. I'm always within a "hugs" reach, of course (the rule they made up to make sure the parents participate, i.e., watch their own child) while the poor Gymboree teacher (with the back of her head totally screaming out SEX HAIR -- Sorry Grandma Sue, but it is the truth!), sings the songs that can best be described by my dear anonymous friend as "lame." Alivia herself thinks the songs are so horrific that she manages to keep occupied with any area of the room that will keep her furthest away from the bubbles ("that go pop pop pop!") or the high chair ("Bring on the jelly, bring on the bread, somebody get that baby fed.")  I mean for real! Climbing and sliding and socializing is fun stuff when you are 15 months, but singing about high chairs??? Alivia's high chair song would go something like this:

I don't want to be in this high chair,
If I scream they will let me get down.
They are such suckers for my screaming!
And now I am back on the ground.

Mommy picks up my chicken
Daddy picks up my beans
I'm in my toy box with Hippo
But why am I hearing their screams?

Now that my dinner is over
I will climb back up into my high chair
I love to sit here and SCREAM
While those losers just pull out their hair

High chair...bye bye my friend! I'll see you tomorrow at the same time for dinner again!

Back to the Gymboree story - well, we both got tired running up and down the slide ten times, only Alivia has been in bed since 11PM (yes it says eleven P.M.) and I'm foolishly writing a blog at 4:17AM.

Good bye all of my friends! We will see you next time!!!

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