Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!

Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!
Not your usual wedding picture...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It Is 5:17AM and that is a record!

My husband will be waking up in less than TWO hours, and I am still awake. I'm sick. Literally. I have OCD to the MAX. I promise... once I find a job that I will never decide to get the creative bug in the wee a.m. hours ever again. You see, now I have to go sleep on the couch until he wakes up (or pretend to do so), because it's just not fair to wake up a man who works so hard to independently support this family. Although... I could use a bunch of his hugs right about now!

Oh well, I will have to settle for a soft sofa and the internal pride earned only because I know that I am constantly on the job search... Is no job better than a bad job? Uhhh no! Bad jobs destroy your self-esteem. Not having a job makes it so you can have high self-esteem even despite your constant hunger pangs. And why is that word spelled with a "g?" That doesn't even make sense. Okay this blog entry is the worst by far. I will have to add pictures of my growing baby tomorrow to make up for this absolute non-sense. Sorry. It is 5:26 a.m.

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