Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!

Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!
Not your usual wedding picture...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bees in Scott's bonnet and Desitin in Alivia's... mouth???

When my brother Scott entered high school in 2006, my mom explained to him that the only acceptable grades were "bees in his bonnet." Four years later, Scott and I still joke about her strange phrasing to describe the grade "B". Since he entered college a month ago, I haven't heard a word regarding his grades. Today, however, I received a call from him. He had earned an 88 on an English paper! I teased him, of course... saying that I always did better than that in English. (This is the same boy, who, in third grade used the vocabulary word "luxury," in the following way: "I luxury that ring.") To my surprise, today, Scott shot right back at me with: "I'll accept bees in my bonnet." "Touché," I thought to myself. Just then, I saw my baby Alivia grab the Desitin and immediately open it with her bottom teeth. (How ironic - wasn't I just boasting about her teeth earlier today???) I quickly snatched it away from her! But I wondered, "what's so great eating about Desitin?" Babies. Ha! They always want what they cannot have.

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