Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!

Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!
Not your usual wedding picture...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pancakes with Alivia

Before Alivia was born, Bob and I used to go to eat breakfast at a local coffee shop on Saturday mornings called Grumps Cafe, Annapolis. I really looked forward to our breakfast, their Eggs Benedict is to die for - but more importantly, I just liked having alone time with my husband. While truth be told, Bob was not the biggest fan of eating at what he considered to be such a fu-fu place (it's so not!), I usually had to beg him to take me. Picture this: me, eight months pregnant, begging for breakfast on Saturday morning, um, around noon-ish. I was literally ready to eat the entire apartment! He was a good sport and took me about half of the time. The other half of the time he offered up some lame excuse like, "it's too expensive," or "you don't get enough food for what you pay." Like I said; lame. Neither was true. The cafe - if you can even call it that - is an order your food then sit down - type of place. There is paint splattered (on purpose) all over the walls, chairs, and tables, and the "servers" literally wear their pajamas. Two adults can eat (including drinks) for about $30. These days I go to Grumps Cafe with Alivia. She never says "no."

Since they don't wait on you like a traditional restaurant, you receive an order number which is issued to you on a child's toy. This place is very cute and the food is great. Alivia literally LOVES their pancakes. Stay tuned. I'll be posting more pictures tomorrow. If the weather holds up, she & I will be walking (me) and riding in the stroller (Alivia) to Grumps Cafe.

Check out their website:

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