Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!

Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!
Not your usual wedding picture...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen... We have a sixth tooth!

I love Alivia more than you can measure, but I have to admit; I don't exactly think that writing about the eruption of her right lateral incisor (I think I got that right!) is the most interesting of subjects for blog followers to read...! But, maybe I need to stop second guessing myself? Yesterday - my first official day of writing content - had me second-guessing whether or not writing about the spelling of my Alivia's name was "blog-worthy." I can't do this to myself everyday obviously, so if the content doesn't interest you, please just kindly skip it. And, in the same way, I'll keep striving to write about more interesting things than teeth. I promise. We already know that Alivia uses her crib as a teething ring (many varieties of frozen teething rings have been offered to her, and yet rejected in the past), so I think we shall leave it at that. Alivia has a new (sixth) tooth! Yay! That explains the cold she had for almost two weeks and the sleep that Auntie Meredith missed during that time period (We love you Aunt Mer!).

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