Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!

Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!
Not your usual wedding picture...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Target and Pancakes with Alivia (Finally! Just not in that order.)

On Thursday, Alivia and I had an extremely busy day. I will have to post most of the pictures that I took that day the next time I write in (there are just too many, and I'm sneaking in this blog entry while Bob is out picking up dinner - Vietnamese soup (Pho)  - which I LOVE!!!). We started out by visiting the doctor for me. 10AM. So fun. I just needed a quick physical and some blood work to make sure everything has returned to normal since giving birth to my little angel last year :) She really is...

Then, we drove across the street and finally had breakfast together! Alivia had one pancake, an orange slice, and some apple juice. I barely touched my breakfast because I was busy feeding her, and she was tired - and grumpy. Just for fun, I let her take a look at the menu. I thought it might make a cute picture! At least it isn't upside down...

I guess she chose pancakes! But someone's eyes were too big for their stomachs!!!

Later, when we got to Target - where we went to purchase Formula at a price that doesn't break the bank (well, it is really only a few dollars cheaper than Giant, but Target is right down the street and Alivia needed some Gerber Puffs and winter clothing, too) - we found an empty shelf. I SWEAR I circled the baby section aisles at least five times in total disbelief! I'm talking ZERO Similac powder! What do you even do when you have a baby that has a sensitive stomach, can't take milk, soy, or lactose products, and only likes the taste of Similac??? I guess you um, panic... and then you frantically call your husband! Ahhhh! "There's no Similac." " Ar ya sore you jus don't see it?" my darling husband asks while at work, recovering from dental surgery. I sent him a picture of the baby formula aisle. Check it out.

I found out later, via the Internet, that the poor Similac Company "supposedly," had beetles found near some of their powder product. From what I read, 99.8% of the Similac was NOT affected by these beetles, and a few pediatricians on even said that beetles would cause only a mild stomach upset, anyway. Now, I'm not a proponent of beetles, or any bugs for that matter. I pretty much despise all insects - except for the beautiful lady bugs, of course! But, this Similac problem has been a HUGE inconvenience for two weeks now. My baby likes Similac. I mean, she LOVES her Similac!!! And I can't find it! I guess, once it comes back from never-never land, my husband and I (new parents, of course), should keep one big container of Similac on reserve at all times. With my luck, Alivia Marie will fall in love with Cow's milk, which she can start drinking in 25 days - on her first birthday. She has already been eating plenty of foods containing milk, so if we switched now, it probably would not even phase her. Let's see: $29.00 for a container of Similac Sensitive RS, or $4.00 for a gallon of milk... You do the math!

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