Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!

Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!
Not your usual wedding picture...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Annapolis Mall with Alivia - and Dinner at Chick-fil-A

This past Saturday, Alivia and I went to the Annapolis mall. Bob was in PA visiting with his family (cutting down trees, and taking care of other odd jobs for his Grand Pa). It was super busy there because  Nordstrom was holding their annual cosmetic show. I'm truly sorry that I missed it :( However, Alivia and I had a very nice time... We perused the stores and just enjoyed the day together! I LOVE being out with Alivia - many older women will stop and tell me how "pretty" or "beautiful" she is! Of course, I always give a big smile to these women and say, "Oh, thank you so much! I'm told she looks just like her dad!" And then I laugh. This is then usually followed by Alivia saying "da-da-da-da." I think that somehow she knows that she looks exactly like Bob! Again, I laugh! She ended up falling asleep while we were in Bath & Body Works. I noticed that women still walked by, staring at her. She's looks very sweet when she sleeps! That reminds me of my grandfather who used to tell me that I was a good girl - but that I was, "best when I was sleeping." I guess that is true of all children! Alivia woke up screaming and I offered her a cookie that I had bought earlier. I mean, what else are you gonna do? :) I'm getting a lot better at this "mom" role, and I know she wants a treat and a bottle immediately when she awakens from her nap! Maybe she shouldn't be so spoiled, but she is! However, she is still a very pleasant little girl; smiling and laughing all of the time! She doesn't ever act like a brat, so I give her cookies and milk for her little snacks. She really enjoys biscotti cookies from the Starbucks inside of Barnes & Noble! Sometimes, when she is really good (or really cranky!) I give her the tiniest sips of green tea. She has such fancy tastes for an 11-month old!!! I think she gets it from my mom who eats mostly organic from Whole Foods. Because of this, Alivia gets to enjoy organic yogurt bars and organic blueberry puff treats! In other words, she does pretty well in the "eating" department. Although recently, she has become quite accustomed to chicken & fries (definitely NOT organic!). By the end of the night on Saturday, around 8PM, Alivia wanted her chicken & fries! We went to Chick-fil-A and she decided that "feeding the floor," was way more important than actually feeding herself. Even though we had not seen Bob in over 24 hours, Alivia suddenly started screaming "da-da-da." I really hope that you enjoy the attached video. This is typical of dinner with my baby!

(I'll attach & post the video as soon as I can figure out how to uncompress it!)

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