Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!

Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!
Not your usual wedding picture...

Friday, October 1, 2010

I Don't Know Much About Astrology, But...

Alivia has suddenly become just a little camera shy! I mentioned this to our waitress last week while we were ordering pancakes. And she mentioned to me, that this camera shyness will only get worse. Needless to say, I have been trying to capture a few candid shots of Alivia today, and I may be climbing Mount Everest soon, because that would seriously be easier to do. Normally, I would just assume this is a phase, and figure that she will just grow out of it soon... Maybe she will LOVE having her picture taken next month? You know how babies change their minds. However, we have a VERY important photo shoot scheduled for this weekend - it's not everyday that your baby turns One Year Old or dresses up as a Ladybug for Halloween. And, I have big dreams for these pictures: giving them to relatives, posting them online; facebook and her blog, sending them into Gerber ;) and now, I'm worried!!! Its not only that she doesn't want to be photographed, she actually shrills when I get near her with just my camera phone. I gave up for today because she is a LOUD little girl! Don't let the chubby cheeks and light blue eyes fool you; Alivia is a strong-minded soon-to-be-toddler, and her strong mind tells her not to cooperate with any attempts of photographing. Perfect timing, Alivia! We all knew that she was stubborn when she literally layed ON HER FACE during her 3D ultrasound just one year ago! I guess Alivia will be photographed when Alivia WANTS to be photographed. I can say this for the little girl at least - she isn't a doormat! I knew she held off being born those few extra days for a specific reason! Alivia is not a Libra. Alivia is a Scorpio through and through. Google "Scorpio." There's a picture of Alivia there. I'm kidding, of course. But here are two pictures of Alivia to enjoy. (Taken without her approval.)

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