Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!

Sunglasses at the wedding on the pier!
Not your usual wedding picture...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bob's Grandfather had a successful surgery! And therefore, I am back to writing again! Thank you God for hearing our many prayers... For now though; I'd really like to focus on my Women's Fiction Novel, but I need to set up the conflict (Chapter 3) and I'm totally psych-ing myself out for some unknown reason. I guess because I don't really know how to set up a convincing crime scene (probably for good reasons!), and I haven't read enough of my "true crime" book yet to pick up on the morbidity that needs to be present in the language and tone. I watch Law & Order more than is probably healthy, and now I pick the plot to shreds. But, I can't just sit down and write out my own damn plot! (And yes. I'm aware that I just mimicked Shakespeare's Lady MacBeth!) Ahhh! I'm just scared. That's it, plain and simple. This week has been so stressful, for so many reasons and I'm doubting myself. Enough about my doubts! The book ain't gonna write itself...

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